All what you need to know about Helicobacter Pylori

In fact, hardly any house or family is free of one or more infected stomach germs or so-called “spiral bacteria” or “ H. pylori ”. There are many names, but the truth is the same, which is that nearly two thirds of the population of this planet is afflicted with it, which makes it have the importance of being The most prevalent bacteria on the face of the earth, so knowing its nature and biological characteristics in addition to knowing the symptoms and signs that cause it is essential to raise awareness about it, as knowledge in this regard especially is no longer a luxury, and this is due to its inclusion by the World Health Organization as bacteria that increase The risk of stomach cancer.
For several years, scientists have believed that peptic ulcers are mainly caused by a person's exposure to stress or some foods, but this belief was quickly abated and widely invalidated after the discovery of spiral bacteria, where one of the studies indicated that 60-100% of cases of ulcers Peptic ulcers are associated with stomach germ infection, and unfortunately peptic ulcers are not the only health problems associated with this bacterium. Researchers have discovered that they cause gastritis in addition to being involved in stomach cancer. To know what is meant by peptic ulcers and gastritis, we must show you some simple medical facts about germs and their nature.

What is stomach germ?

Stomach germs are Gram-negative and spiral-shaped bacteria, which need a little oxygen to grow, so that they can infect both the stomach and the small intestine. Individuals may develop in childhood, but rarely any symptoms occur at the beginning of the infection.
As is known, the stomach contains an inner mucous lining designed to protect it from the impact of stomach acids and digestive enzymes. From toxins, which increases its damage and its ability to form stomach ulcers, stomach infections or even stomach cancer in the event that it is not diagnosed and treated in the long term, it is also believed that the spiral form of stomach germ helps it penetrate the lining of the gastric mucosa to settle in.
Now that these facts are told, some questions should come to your mind, such as, what are the reasons for the great spread of this bacterium? Is it contagious? What are the symptoms that we should pay attention to? How can it be discovered and treated before infection worsens?

Causes of infection with stomach germ

The great spread of this bacterium is due to the fact that it is contagious and transmitted through contaminated food or water. This may happen by eating contaminated food with the stool of the affected person. For example, the chef uses the toilet and then returns to prepare the food without washing his hands well. Some researchers also believe that its spread is possible by contacting the toys of the affected person and other body fluids, so infection is usually more common in developing countries that lack public health considerations.


As for the symptoms that may appear on the affected person, despite the fact that a large percentage of those infected with stomach germs do not show any clear symptoms, they may suffer from:
Feeling of mild pain or heartburn that increases in case the stomach is empty such as periods between meals or Midnight, it may last for a few minutes or maybe hours, the pain improves after eating, drinking milk or using antacids.
  • Feeling of bloating and burping (stomach gases)
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Diarrhea or constipation.
  • Losing weight without an apparent reason.
It also causes the most serious infections that cause bleeding in the stomach or intestine, additional symptoms such as:
  • Bloody stool in dark red or black color.
  • Vomiting that contains blood or coffee-like.
  • Pale skin with red blood cell count and anemia.
  • Bad breath.
  • Severe pain and stomach cramps.
  • Breathing problems, dizziness and fainting.
If any of these symptoms occurs, you should immediately seek medical help. And on how to detect and diagnose stomach germs, it is usually doubtful and not by chance. When you have one or two presentations, the doctor will want to confirm the presence of these bacteria while checking for any abnormal changes in the stomach.
Diagnosis of stomach germ
It is usually diagnosed with one of these three laboratory tests:
  • Antibody presence test, This assay reveals whether defensive proteins known as antibodies have been produced in response by the immune system to the presence of these bacteria.
  • A test of the presence of the bacterium in the feces. This examination is considered as one of the conclusive and direct tests that indicate its presence or absence.
  • Urea breath test. In this examination, the patient swallows a disk or a special liquid containing urea and then breathes in a balloon intended for the test. In the case of these bacteria, you will convert urea into carbon dioxide gas that can be detected later.
Treatment of stomach germ
If you suffer from peptic ulcers or duodenal ulcers caused by germs infection, you will need treatment to kill bacteria, another to restore and strengthen the stomach lining, in addition to a treatment to prevent recurrence of ulcers again and usually takes treatment one to two weeks to begin to improve after having Your doctor tells you to take some different types of medication that will most likely include:
  • Antibiotics that are used to kill bacteria in the body, and your doctor is likely to give you at least two types of antibiotics as it is difficult to get rid of an infection with stomach germs because they are able to develop resistance to commonly used antibiotics.
  • Medicines that reduce the amount of acid produced in the stomach.
  • Below are bismuth salicylates and bismuth compounds that have been particularly effective against germs.
  • Some doctors spend next to these drugs pills (beneficial bacteria), which contribute to increasing the Kingdom of beneficial bacteria, because antibiotics work to kill all types of bacteria (Alnaada and harmful) in the stomach.
And other medications whose dose is reduced or increased depending on the degree of injury and the condition of the stomach and small intestine.
Treating stomach germ with natural solutions
As for the natural solutions, we will list to you below some of the natural and common foods that will help in improving symptoms or killing bacteria and promoting the health of the digestive system, as scientific studies have proven (in this case, doctors and specialists should be consulted to rely on one of these natural solutions).
Cauliflower and Cabbage:
Both cauliflower and cabbage contain natural chemicals that have been proven effective in eliminating infected bacteria, especially those of the stomach germ.
Cranberry helps get rid of infection with stomach germs because it contains some anti-bacterial compounds and because it prevents germs from sticking to and sticking to the mucous membrane of the stomach, so it is recommended to eat cranberry juice that is free of sugar and preservatives.
Throughout the ages, turmeric has been known to have an anti-inflammatory effect in addition to containing antioxidants and antimicrobials. Studies have proven its ability to combat stomach germs by blocking the metabolism pathway necessary for bacterial growth.
Some probiotics:
As already mentioned, the germ of the stomach causes drastic changes in the digestive system such as changing the pH of the stomach, which in turn leads to a great variation in the growth of beneficial bacteria that live in the intestine.
As is well known, probiotics are any bacteria that have a good effect on the digestive system. In the case of stomach germs, the beneficial bacteria (probiotics) fight these harmful bacteria. They also help heal the mucous membrane of the stomach and reduce the severity of symptoms.
In spite of the effectiveness of these natural substances, it should be directed to seek medical help immediately when feeling one of the symptoms mentioned above, what may be caused by stomach germ infection ranges from being just digestive ulcers causing feelings of discomfort and acidity until it reaches the fact that it increases the risk of stomach cancer May God protect us and protect you 

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