Five wrong habits lead to obesity

Obesity is one of the medical problems that a large number of people suffer in the twenty-first century, and obesity affects negatively on its sufferers and deprives them of life in a healthy way. Obesity is spread not only among adults but also extends to children and adolescents, and according to one study, 10% Of the children in the world of school age suffer from being overweight, while a quarter of these children suffer from obesity, and obesity has many causes, including the wrong lifestyle or genetic factors, endocrine disorders and some medications, while obesity resulting from increased calories inside the body is the most Common.

Wrong eating habits 

Nobody hides that the main cause of obesity is the increase in the amount of calories inside the body, and the reason for this is that some do not follow healthy healthy habits and a healthy diet based on whole grains, vegetables, fruits and protein free of vegetable fats, while they rely on saturated fats, canned and prepared foods and foods Glucocorticoids.
Besides unhealthy food, there are wrong habits that lead to obesity, including not planning the amount of food that you eat, consuming canned foods, eating fast food, and not removing fat from meat and skin from chicken, and eating in front of the TV leads to eating large amounts of food without attention to her.
Also, not eating breakfast is also considered a pattern of unhealthy food, and drinking a large amount of water, because including water for the diet and drinking large amounts of water leads to weight loss, while less water leads to the opposite.
The same thing with regard to depriving the body of food for long hours, neglecting snacks between main meals, and eating fast, as they are wrong habits that cause obesity.

Imbalanced Calories

The main reason for obesity, as we mentioned before, is eating large quantities of food without consuming it by the body, so there must be a balance between the calories entering the body and the calories consumed or burned, and the number of calories a person needs during a single day depends on age and body size And the level of activity carried out by the individual, and in this case you can rely on a nutritionist to determine the calories you need during the day.

Lack of exercise

Exercise is very important for humans in general, but it is more important and necessary for obese people, given the lifestyle and technological development does not exercise much sport, and they spend long hours at work sitting on offices or in front of the TV, forgetting to exercise, and thus the extra calories are converted In the body to fat, which leads to obesity, so exercise is necessary every day.
Lack of sleep and insomnia has a great role in increasing obesity, studies have shown that sleep loss makes us feel hungry; Because it affects the secretion of cortisol, which is the hormone responsible for regulating appetite, so sleep and lack of sleep leads to fat storage in the body and consequently obesity, so you should organize hours of sleep, wake up and not stay up late at night.
The lifestyle that you follow greatly affects your health and your weight. Emptying anger shipments by eating large quantities of food leads to obesity. Likewise, eating with friends and family may tempt you to eat large quantities of food, so pay attention to what you eat, how you eat, and when you eat until you enjoy good health. .
In this article, we dealt with five wrong habits that lead to obesity, pay attention to it, and do not fall into the dawn, as eating a lot of food leads to your body wanting to eat more and more and thus storing fat and obesity. So do not receive Make healthy food your basic system and exercise regularly and change from your wrong habits gradually and continuity.

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